By Raphael Yao Ahiakpe, Seawater Solutions Technical Projects Manager (Africa)

From using salinized soils to grow salt tolerant crops and vegetables to wetlands bioremediations, the team at Seawater Solutions finds pleasure in providing sustainable solutions to some of the World’s pressing challenges associated with food security and climate change.
The latter is of much concern to the Seawater Solutions team in Ghana earlier this week, as they moved in to the aid of the people of Fuveme, a small fishing community in the Volta delta, located on the southeastern coast along the Gulf of Guinea.

The people of Fuveme, in recent years, have had their share of the destructive impact of the wild and blistering waves from the adjacent Ocean. It is no hidden fact that climate change is, and will continue to be, the precursor of these devastating displacements and destruction of properties as a result of rise in sea level. However, the impact on the people of Fuveme seems more severe and self-inflicting, partly, due to their unsustainable harvest of mangroves along the coast that used to shield them and reduce the devastating impact of the encroaching waves. This is where Seawater Solutions services comes in are needed, and we were happy to be there to help.

The team engaged the community people and educate them on the need to, as a matter of urgency, halt the harvesting of the mangroves. We took the responsibility to plant more mangroves along the coast to restore what used to be the natural shield and barrier the people of Fuveme and the Ocean. This planting exercise will continue into the coming weeks as seek to cover the over 3 kilometer stretch of shoreline that borders the community.

Don’t forget to keep in touch with us, as we continue to provide new and interesting updates from Seawater Solutions team in Ghana and around the World.